Thursday, August 19, 2010

Political Pawns

After seeing the lay out of the paper, how they placed the arrest of my son and his friends on one side and, by pure coincidence of course, they placed the article discussing the monetary needs for the new law enforcement on the other was sickening. Our children are not political pawns to be used to gain support for your new toys there Chief Wyffels. Why don't you try proven evidence based programs rather than just being reactionary? Our bulging jails and rising fears about crime are proof enough of the failures of the era of zero tolerance and three strikes your out. I think the city's money would be better spent on after school programs and other evidence based methods of deterrence than on buying you shiny things.

More to come!

     The truth about Sam is dedicated to letting the people of Alexandria know the truth about Samuel Morrow and the smear campaign being propagandized by the Alexandria Police Department and local media. I am Sam's Father, a former law enforcement officer, criminologist, and youth counselor. My goal isn't to exonerate bad behavior but to let all of the facts be known as I know them and allow for views from all sides to be expressed as well as provide a little education.

    The following is a letter to the editor, that as of this date, the Echo Press has not run. Now in all fairness it occasionally takes a couple of issues for letters to be published:

    The more I learn about events that transpired between Sam, his friends, and members of law enforcement the more questions I have. Some of the things they initially charged Sam for occurred at a time, to my current understanding, when Sam was living in South Dakota with me. Sam was charged with 2nd degree Assault, that's assault with a weapon yet, according to police reports and witnesses, Sam never possessed a weapon and was unaware that another person in the assault did. I'm not alleging that Sam didn't get into a fight, however, it might be important for people to understand that the "kid" had robbed Sam twice. I agree that Sam should have gone to the police, however, with his past interactions I can also understand his hesitancy. 

     This will  have to do for my first post as I am running short on time. I will try and finish updating it to where we are now and where we expect this to go over the next few days. Oh one last note: I don't consider the fact about the media coverage of this arrest and a recent article attempting to gain support for a new Law Enforcement Center to be coincidence: Support for the facility has been waning and some scary gang might have been just the thing they needed. The more I think about this the more sense it makes.